Saturday, July 27, 2019

Lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Lab - Essay Example Moreover, a highly concentrated solution is, the more it absorbs light, and the less transmitted light through the solution is. This also implies that, the concentration of a particular solution is directly proportional to the rate of absorbance, a fact that Beer-Lambert’s Law has proved. The Law states that the quantity of light that is absorbed by a given sample is dependent on the concentration of that sample (C), the species absorbing, the wavelength of the light used together with the thickness of the sample: A = Â £bC (where A is absorbance, Â £ is a constant when the identity of the absorbing species and the wavelength of the light utilized are not altered, b is the solution’s thickness in the cuvette container, and C is the sample’s concentration)(Bauer et al.110).By utilizing a standard curve(y=mx+b),where x-values show various concentrations of the same sample with y values showing the absorbance of a given wavelength, it can be stated that the concen tration is directly proportional to the absorbance, which initially was proved by Beer-Lambert Law(Bauer et al.110). The objective of this lab experiment was establishing the percentage Mass of Copper (II) ion (Cu2+) in a sample of ore by using Calorimetry technique. The percentage of Mass can be defined as the mass of a definite element over the total mass of all elements multiplied by 100%(Brown et al.85).Through establishment of a standard for the copper nitrate compound and utilizing the knowledge of Beer-Lambert Law, the % mass of the copper in the ore was attained. Determination of the 8.5 mL of nitric acid would dissolve the copper compound Cu (NO3)2* 2.5 H2O was done in the first week of the lab experiment. In addition 8 serial dilutions were carried out by adding an increasing quantity (beginning with 8.5mL) of nitric acid (HNO3) to 4.5 g of Cu (NO3)2 * 2.5H2O.The quantity of red light ((ÃŽ »=635nm) absorbed by every diluted solution was established using a calorimeter with Lab Quest

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